Commitment: the state of being emotionally impelled to do something. My commitment is to making art, loving life and doing well.

Daily Artworks... my continuing challenge for 2015: Observe and record. Record and observe. And stretch - s-t-r-e-t-c-h - myself.
What will I discover?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cool Colors

Cool Colors


Digital drawing, 800px x 600px

For the month of June, I am concentrating on drawing using a digital tablet and stylus. There is some eye-hand co-ordination involved in this, and developing different methods, but in the end, drawing is still drawing and making-images is still making-images. I know there will be a lot of experimentation here, so we're in for some interesting sailing.

This image demonstrates a cool color scheme, using green, blue-green, blue, and blue-violet against a greyscale background.

Speaking of sailing, this drawing is of the Norma and Gladys, one of the last wooden fishing vessels from Newfoundland, built in 1945, used in the Labrador fishery until 1951, turned into a floating museum in 1973 and lost at sea in 1984.


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