Commitment: the state of being emotionally impelled to do something. My commitment is to making art, loving life and doing well.

Daily Artworks... my continuing challenge for 2015: Observe and record. Record and observe. And stretch - s-t-r-e-t-c-h - myself.
What will I discover?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Close Up and Personal - Day 2

Budding Anticipation 

Brilliant Sunshine and the Joy of a Simple Surprise  
- the potential of color and light   

What a pleasant surprise I had this morning!
The geranium I have been nursing along at my desk has sprouted several flower stems and in the brilliant winter morning sunshine the plant was showing me these tiny pink flower buds.
Oh, yes, this may not be an earthshaking event, but simple joys are sometimes the ones that carry you through the day.  


Barbara Martin (@Reptitude) said...

Midwinter drama! Highlighted with the black background -- wowza. Got glitter? :) ps love the tight focus on the front and center specimen fab detail. pps was it shot against velvet backdrop or did you photoshopicize it? #justcurious

Mavis said...

Thanks! This image just made me feel good!
I draped my black fleecy jacket (see yesterday's pic) over a drawing board and set it at an angle that didn't block the sun.
My Photoshop process included cropping, and a minor color adjustment on the greens, and a touch of sharpening.
Blogger pulled its jpg rendering problem again, so this is the png-8 version. I didn't even bother to keep the jpg posted. I need to do some more testing on this.

Barbara Martin (@Reptitude) said...

You don't have a white haired kitty in the house -- otherwise that jacket would not do so nicely as a plush black backdrop. Just sayin'. Odd about the jpg thing. Hope you get it figured out.

Barbara Martin (@Reptitude) said...

So happy you put up a photo of the bloom! Sequential shots are so fun. For those of us who wait with bated breath for flowers in mid-winter. :) YAY


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