Commitment: the state of being emotionally impelled to do something. My commitment is to making art, loving life and doing well.

Daily Artworks... my continuing challenge for 2015: Observe and record. Record and observe. And stretch - s-t-r-e-t-c-h - myself.
What will I discover?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

From a Page of Hands

From a Page of Hands


Graphite on paper, 6" x 6"

Drawing is a way of making a record of what you see, and it is also a way of sharpening your powers of observation. This drawing is one of a group of quick sketches I made of my left hand holding a pencil which my right hand is drawing. As I was progressing around the sheet of paper, I kept noticing details that I incorporated into the next drawing. I also found that the marks I made became more and more firm and confident as I got better acquainted with the form of my hand. Practice, practice, practice!


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